Tuesday, 19 April 2011


According to Stats Canada, 23.1% (5.5 Milllion) of Canadians age 18+ are obese. I, for many years, was not in this category and could never understand heavier people.  I couldn't understand why they couldn't "just take off the weight" as if thinking it and wanting it would magically make it happen. Quite frankly, I was ignorant to the plight of millions of Canadian who battle this every single day.

As I said, I never understood...until I became one of them.

A little background on myself. My name is Kirstin and I am a 23 year old female who is average in about every way. I went to university, I graduated, I am now employed full-time, in an office job. I am painfully normal. However, I suffer from generalized anxiety and as a result, when I was 20 years old was put on an anti-anxiety medication.

Prior to medication, I did have anxiety attacks and a nervous tummy that kept me at a slim 125-130 pounds and a size 4 for many, many years. With my new found calmness and appetite, I have since eaten my way in 3 and 1/2 years to 173.4 pounds. My heaviest ever. Considering I am 5'2'', this is extremely unhealthy. I have transformed my body from a size 4 to a size 12-14 and gained 39 pounds, simply from shoving my face full of stuff that I shouldn't.

I could blame the meds, I could blame the university lifestyle, I could blame my family for feeding me yummy foods...but at the end of the day, I put the stuff in my mouth and now its comfortable on my ass...which has increase 8 1/2 inches since my size 4 body.

Well, I have had enough. I am beginning my weight loss journey because I want to take off 33 pounds and be a comfortable 140 pounds.

Some of you may ask why not aim for my 125-130 pound body and the answer to that is this: at that weight I was skipping meals, barely eating and generally not very healthy as my anxiety revved up my metabolism. Therefore, in order to be anixiety-free and healthy I am aiming for 140 pounds. When I was at this weight, I was a size 6 and looked my healthiest, in my opinion.

Switching gears now...this blog will serve as my motivation, my confessional and hopefully be an outlet to others who struggle with their weight. I invite you to follow my journey to watch my butt shrink!!!

Sources: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-620-m/2005001/article/adults-adultes/8060-eng.htm